The hamburger is a classic American food item, popularized in the beginning of the 20th century. Of late, however, many restaurants and chefs have been creating different modifications of the [...]
Nature is amazing, isn’t it? Think of the many creatures that have the ability to blend in with their surroundings or to appear to be something different altogether. This camouflage is [...]
Medicinal marijuana has been steeped in controversy for years and we’re not taking a stand either way. It started back in the the 1930’s, with Hollywood films depicting it as an [...]
What looks like a wasp, annoys the kids, and has a sting like no other? That would be the deer fly – a nuisance that feeds on blood and pollen, and causes annoyance to every living [...]
Stout in stature and colorful in appearance, scarab beetles come in more than 30,000 different varieties. While some scarab beetles are known to help recycle dung, others, such as the Japanese [...]